Saturday, February 28, 2009

Day -6

Hello Dear Ones,
This was a busy week of preparation for Tom's admission to Helford Hospital at City of Hope. Tom's teeth passed inspection (chemo would have exacerbated any existing problems). Tom also had his PET scan. The scan came back with only one seemingly manageable concern. The scan reveals something in Tom's lung. The "something" also grew from the date of his CT scan on February 13th to this scan on the 26th to 2 cm. The doctor suspects that it is an infection. Typically doctors would like a patient to be infection free when the transplant begins. However, because Tom's immune system is non-existent, if they took the time to clear up this infection he would be likely to develop another. They suspect that the IV antibiotics that he will be on will address the infection as he is undergoing chemotherapy and the transplant itself. They will continue monitoring the something.
Tom begins chemotherapy tonight at 8:00 PM. We thought that we were going to admit him in the later afternoon, but just got a call that we need to take him in by 12:30. The admitting doctor would like to run some tests before starting the chemo. We have no idea what that's about.
In other significant news Steve was activated as a "back up" donor to Tim. He completed his tests this Wednesday. If all goes well with his tests he will be the donor. That he is younger than Tim and also has the same blood type as Tom factors in. However, the primary factor for this choice is related to the doctor's assessment of the size of Tim and Steve. The doctor claims that the procedure will be easier on skinny Steve than buff Tim. Or, in DuBransky language, Bonds is being benched for Juan Pierre (steroid use not applicable). He also mentioned it would be easier for himself. Tim doesn't buy the "easier on Steve than Tim" defense and is very disappointed in Dr. Chen for being a wimp. =) We're so grateful to Tim for going through this process and for being more than willing to undergo this difficult procedure. Tim called Steve himself to let him know that he had been called upon as the pinch hitter.
Wimp or not Dr. Chen, Keri Halsema (Tom's nurse practitioner), Naomi Jones (his transplant coordinator) and everyone else at City of Hope have been amazing. We're looking forward to being on the other side of this challenge very soon.
Finally, this week I began to realize how well prepared we have gotten Tom for this hospital stay and how much less prepared I am. My challenge is caring for Gabriel and Tom when the two cannot be in the same place. For this reason I am asking that anyone who thinks they can volunteer time with Gabriel over the next six to seven weeks so that I can go to the hospital and/or go to the gym from time to time to let me know. Primarily this would be either weekends (location optional) or weekdays, from 6:00 to 8:30 or 8:30 - 10:15 (at our house). We have a nice big tv and good cable package if that entices you. If just a few people are willing to be "emergency" back up and would be willing to come to our house at any hour of the night if I were to get an emergency call from the hospital please let me know that as well. I don't expect that this will be needed, but it will be good to know I have someone to call if it does. If you have days that you would be willing to volunteer this time please email me at with those dates and times.
Also, for thos interested in visiting Tom visits are allowable from adults and older children who are without illness, willing to wear a mask, gloves and perhaps hospital gown and not bearing any contraband (essentially flowers, plants, or other bacteria carrying items). It's also always best to visit Tom in the part of the day nearest your last shower and in freshly laundered clothes. You are welcome to contact Tom to ask if he feels well enough to have visitors (; 310-592-0812 or Facebook). If you don't get a response you can contact me and I'll let you know how he's doing. You can email me at the same email address as above or call my cell (310) 529-4357. Sometimes my email response rate is faster than my phone response rate.
Finally, Tom and Gabriel are spending some final moments together. Right now Tom is shaving his whole face (its been furry for at least 10 years now), with Gabriel as his witness, to prepare Gabriel for Tom's impending hair loss. There's lots of cheering and Tom-style antics going on in that bathroom right now. Next, we need to finish packing Tom up and be on our way.
Thank you, as always for making Tom a part of your daily life in your prayers and thoughts. We know you all have busy lives and challenges of your own. The space you've made for him has blessed us more than you will ever know.
With love, the Highland Park DuBranskys

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